Armboard Upgrade

"Any Gyro or Orbe owner can be assured that by fitting this modification they will gain substantial improvements at a very moderate cost without risk of disappointment" Pete Rogers, UK. See other references here.

The Armboard Upgradekit are available in different models, with grey or black washers:


The purpose of this armboard upgrade is to prevent cartridge and arm resonances from reaching the chassis, and through this, the upgrade reduces the feedback to the cartridge.

SME Armboard upgrade

Armboard upgrade for Tecno-arm                                             Armboard upgrade for SME-arm

The vibrations are stopped by the three different layers and the isolated screws before the chassis is reached, improving sound-rendering and resolution.

The kit is very easy to install, and the PVC washers makes the universal-kit height-adjustable, so that the armboard VTA is proper. Further 3 PVC-washers increases the stability of the acrylic-ring.

The armboard height for the adjustable arms is optimized individually, so that the height of the arm is to be adjusted as little as possible (see the above picture of the SME Armboard).

For GP Armboard upgrade prices, check out Info & prices.